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These resources provide valuable information and support for victims of human trafficking and exploitation, as well as ways to get involved in the fight against these crimes. We encourage you to explore these links and learn more about how you can help combat human trafficking.


Childhood 2.0 offers a thought-provoking look at the ways in which technology is shaping the next generation.

The Child Rescue Coalition is a non-profit organization that uses technology to track and apprehend child predators. (1).png

They provide education and awareness programs, as well as advocating for policies that protect children.

Bark App monitors your child's online activity across various social media platforms and alerts you if it detects any potential risks such as cyberbullying, online predators, or inappropriate content.

These programs are designed to teach children and teens how to stay safe online and avoid online predators.

The Carly Ryan Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to promote internet safety and prevent online predators from targeting children and young people.

They provide resources and guidelines for parents, educators, and youth to help them navigate the digital world safely.

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Having nudes online is scary,
but there is hope to get it taken down.

This service is one step you can take to help remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before you were 18.

NetSmartz Logo.PNG

Service provided by NCFMEC

Take It Down.PNG


by Ruth Rondon


Its illegal to exploit anyone for financial or personal gain.

Because of the betrayal and corruption victims/survivors have been subjected to, to them advocacy work can feel the same as trafficking tactics. Traffickers and advocates use similar methods/tactics to lure victims their way. Traffickers/predators lure victims to danger. Advocates lure them to safety. Some traffickers/predators hide behind prestigious titles and professions. There are good people who care. It's up to you to figure out who they are. Its ok to take your time before you trust. From my experience and perspective, I've listed some contradictions and oxymorons that come to mind. This was written to provoke thought. I'm sure more can be added to this list. What would YOU add?

Both traffickers and advocates:

  • promise victims a bright future and/or employment

  • are kind and patient to gain trust

  • offer gifts (or material care packages)

  • offer to meet victims' basic needs

  • offer protection and safety

  • have rules victims must abide by

  • show concern for victim's problems

It can be:

  • a trafficker working under the guise of advocate,

  • police officer, parent, or anyone with authority

  • trafficking under the guise of volunteer work

  • recruitment under the guise of outreach

  • brainwashing under the guise of counseling

  • a secret under the guise of confidentiality

  • exploitation under the guise of fund raising

  • isolation under the guise of severing unhealthy relationships

  • drug abuse under the guise of medication

  • trafficking under the guise of free on-the-job training

Oxymorons to provoke thought

  • Dangerous safe house or shelter

  • Kind predator

  • A predatory victim

  • A victimized criminal

  • A recruiting outreach worker

  • Healthcare who doesn't care

  • Law enforcement officers that don't protect victims

  • Job opportunity with no pay or benefits

  • An evil pastor

  • A false, bright future.


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